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Fig. 2: Traditional still dominates in Germany so many HCPs are digitally „underserved“ ) % i ( s t c a t n o c l a t i g d f o e r a h s e m u o V l 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Germany - Volume vs. Preference Bubble size represents HCP universe size Top 15 largest HCP populations shown Internists Ophth Diab GPs 0 5 10 15 Uro Ped Derm 20 Cardio Pharmacist Neph Ortho Gyneco Neuro-Psy Resp E.N.T 25 30 35 40 45 50 Share of HCPs stating digital contacts as first preference (%) Source: QuintilesIMS ChannelDynamics™ MAT Q1 2016; QuintilesIMS ChannelDynamics™ Channel Preference Survey June-July 2016 doctors say they prefer? Of course, in highly competitive disease areas the countervailing argument will always be that a company cannot afford to lose share of voice in face-to-face detailing – but what might be the benefi ts to the fi rst mover who adjusts their channel mix in an intelligent manner? HCP channel preference is complex. Our research presented here demon- strates that the preference for one set of digital channels varies widely by HCP specialty and country. How can compa- nies, faced with such complexity, ever hope to master customer preference? A fi ve-point plan Here is a fi ve point plan: 1) Make your customer insight more personal and specifi c. The “segment- of-one” concept has been over-used into cliché, but for pharmaceutical marketing it remains highly valuable, because, as launches tend increasingly to specialty with limited populations of patients and HCPs treating them, understanding those few, but highly valuable doctors, in depth is essential. 2) Build an integrated picture of each HCP’s channel and relationship prefe- rence. Make sure that the salesforce is m o c . a i l o t o F – v o p o P y e r d n A © : o t o h P Kapitalmarkt & Investment a core element of this process and is fully informed of the feedback from other channels. Ensure that the full universe of relevant HCPs are covered, including those that are not accessible by salesforce. For HCPs with multiple relevant disease areas of interest, don’t assume that preference is uniform across therapy areas – build a picture by each. pictures 3) Collect feedback and revise channel preference continuously. Customer insight will be a complex, constantly developing picture. Chan- nels which were preferred and worked well in the past may be rejected by HCPs if overused or without effective content. Further, stated preferences are only a starting point; learnings from specifi c channel actions should then be used to adjust – where channels are inexpen- sive, as many digital channels are, the cost of experimentation is low and the rewards potentially high. responsiveness to 4) Use customer insight across all chan- nels and all commercial team players. Customer insight should be shared steadily and acted upon in a timely fashion, to help both marketing and sales make better channel-targeting decisions. A doctor may feedback that she does not want to see reps on a given mature therapy area any more – is she made aware of ways to keep in touch digitally if there’s news that’s relevant? 5) Measure activity and impact – and share feedback. One of the key enemies to the development of digital channels and the journey to true multichannel maturity is the preconceptions of a pharmaceutical company’s own employees. Whether it’s a senior executive who does not whole heartedly endorse multichannel initiatives or a sales representative who equates the introduction of digital with the loss of their job, outdated perceptions die hard and cause huge damage by their persistence. Feedback on what their healthcare professional customers want and what works in terms of channels is at the core of the journey to a truly effective multichannel maturity. (cid:81) 01-2017 „Digitale Transformation“ ls 53
