Start Schlagworte R&D

Schlagwort: R&D

Symbolbild "drug statistics". Similar (replacement, substitute) drug tablets. Statistics of insurance medicine, pills report. Copyright: Andrii Zastrozhnov - stock.adobe.com

Can biopharma’s drug-focused R&D strategy remain profitable?

Since the 1990s, there has been a shift in focus within pharmaceutical R&D. It resulted in placing greater emphasis on ­areas such as cancer,...
Illustration: © PT – stock.adobe.com

Biosolutions und Biomanufacturing

Trotz vieler Fortschritte bei der Implementierung der industriellen Biotechnologie hat sich der Begriff „Bioökonomie“ bisher nicht als blockbusterfähig erwiesen. Seit Kürzerem verbreiten sich aber...
Symbolbild. Copyright: BioLizard

Heading the digital transformation in the life sciences industry

Headquartered in Ghent, Belgium, BioLizard is a go-to partner for data strategy and execution with companies ranging from drug discovery to clinical research and...