Start Schlagworte Biotechnology

Schlagwort: Biotechnology

Symbolbild "One Size Fits All". Copyright: Natalia - stock.adobe.com

Where generalists and technical specialists meet

Big, multi-stage generalist funds like Sand Hill Road and new-age, technical, science-led specialist investors like Revent have one thing in common: when it comes...
Symbolbild "drug statistics". Similar (replacement, substitute) drug tablets. Statistics of insurance medicine, pills report. Copyright: Andrii Zastrozhnov - stock.adobe.com

Can biopharma’s drug-focused R&D strategy remain profitable?

Since the 1990s, there has been a shift in focus within pharmaceutical R&D. It resulted in placing greater emphasis on ­areas such as cancer,...
Illustration: © PT – stock.adobe.com

Biosolutions und Biomanufacturing

Trotz vieler Fortschritte bei der Implementierung der industriellen Biotechnologie hat sich der Begriff „Bioökonomie“ bisher nicht als blockbusterfähig erwiesen. Seit Kürzerem verbreiten sich aber...
Sugar beet in the field. Copyright: scharfsinn86 - stock.adobe.com

More than just sugar

The challenges of climate change affect all industries and companies of all sizes. More and more enterprises are actively addressing the requirements of a...
Symbolbild Schokolade. Copyright: The Supplant Company

Invest in the forgotten half of the harvest

The Supplant Company upcycles agricultural side-streams into replacements for the world’s most pervasive ingredients, such as refined sugar and starch, with their proprietary biotechnology-based...

“Lots of small events mounted up – and threw us into a roller coaster...

Leipzig-based start-up ScobyTec produced very thick (approximately 50-mm) non-woven materials from bacterial nanocellulose (BNC), serving as semi-finished goods and staging material for imitation leather,...

Out now: Circular Bioeconomy 2023

Advancing the circular bioeconomy! The global circular bioeconomy is picking up speed, despite – or perhaps precisely because of – today’s escalating ecological crises, energy...

The potential of AI in drug discovery

Tools and methods derived from artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize drug discovery processes by identifying novel molecular targets, increasing the probability of success in...

Biotech & Co. zeigt ­deutliche Kursgewinne

Positive Nachrichten aus der klinischen Pipeline und die Aussicht auf die mögliche Zulassung von Produkten treiben vor ­allem die Aktienkurse etlicher Schwergewichte. Rund die...

Exploiting market inefficiencies in early-stage biotech investing

One dominant hypothesis in finance is the ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis’ (EMH), which states that the stock price of a security reflects all publicly available...