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Schlagwort: Investment

Photo Copyright: Robert Kronekker

How to achieve investment ­readiness in the food industry?

When and in what form do you get investors on board? This is the key question for every founding team and every start-up. In...
Cleanup Mission Romania, Barajul Voila, April 2022. Photo: © everwave GmbH

Doing good needs solid financing

What starts with a good sustainable idea is not automatically a sustainable business model. The road to a functioning ­social business is long and...
Symbolbild "cultured meat". Copyright: Firn - stock.adobe.com

Reimagining meat

Plant-based and cultivated meat are essential for meeting our climate targets because they can deliver the meat people want with up to 92% less...
Bio-circular plastic ­alternative based on an agriculture waste: traceless materials in the form of granulate, paper coating, solution, ridig & film application. Photo: © traceless

The number of circular economy start-ups in Germany is growing

In the last years, the number of circular economy start-ups in Germany has increased significantly. There are too many ­different very heterogenous definitions to...

Out now: Circular Bioeconomy 2023

Advancing the circular bioeconomy! The global circular bioeconomy is picking up speed, despite – or perhaps precisely because of – today’s escalating ecological crises, energy...

A trimmed biotech basket

Following a strong performance in the summer period, shares of German biotech companies were affected by another global downward trend. We have adjusted the...
Bewältigung der Adipositas-Pandemie gewinnt an Dynamik

Bewältigung der Adipositas-Pandemie gewinnt an Dynamik

Bei der Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit entsteht eine Wertschöpfungskette, die weit über die Gesundheitsindustrie hinausreicht. Der Bedarf an Lösungen ist angesichts des Ausmaßes enorm. Rückenwind...

Helix BioPharma: Mit basischem Milieu gegen Krebszellen

Aktienportrait des kanadischen Biotech-Unternehmens, das Wirkstoffe im Bereich der Tumorbekämpfung entwickelt. Helix BioPharma Corp. (HBP) ist ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen im klinischen Stadium, das auf der...

Gesundheit und soziale ­Verantwortung

Die ESG-Ziele von Unternehmen stehen zunehmend im Fokus von Investoren, Mitarbeitern und Kunden. Der Frage, wie ­Unternehmen den mit diesen Zielen einhergehenden Anforderungen auch...

Nasdaq Nordic supports the shift towards more sustainable capital markets

With a unique position in the capital market ecosystem, Nasdaq Nordic links together investors and corporates allowing ­investors access to sustainable investments and giving...