Start Schlagworte Biodiversity

Schlagwort: biodiversity

The Landbanking Group at Coor plot. Copyright: The Landbanking Group

Investments into nature, profitable and scalable

In the era of an empty world, with seemingly infinite resources and a small humanity, we only valued nature as much as we could...
Symbolbild Schokolade. Copyright: The Supplant Company

Invest in the forgotten half of the harvest

The Supplant Company upcycles agricultural side-streams into replacements for the world’s most pervasive ingredients, such as refined sugar and starch, with their proprietary biotechnology-based...

Push the bioeconomy forward!

Despite numerous bioeconomy innovations in the research sector, there is growing uncertainty about whether the ­bioeconomy can unleash its effectiveness and actual potential. How...

How to scale up the bioeconomy in Germany

The National Bioeconomy Strategy has the clear objective of implementing a knowledge-based bioeconomy in Germany. Despite many commitments, concrete measures were lacking to create...